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Nella mia officina si sviluppano prodotti per la ricerca e l'industria.
Abbiamo una grande esperienza sui sensori di immagine, sullo sviluppo di FPGA nonché nella progettazione di schede basate su DSP e del loro software dedicato.
A catalogo abbiamo alcuni prodotti che possono rappresentare la base per lo sviluppo di uno strumento o per una attrezzatura di test.
Tutti i nostri prodotti vengono forniti con un proprio software di test e misura al fine di offrire un sistema pronto per l'utilizzo, ma nello stesso sono disponibili le librerie per il suo utilizzo in ambienti di sviluppo diversi dal C/C++, come MathLab o Labview.
Il nostro motto é "Opus cum arte et studio" perché la competenza e l'entusiasmo sono una buona base per un prodotto di successo!

In my workshop develop products for research and industry.
We have a great experience on image sensors, on the FPGA development and in the design of DSP cards and their dedicated software.
At catalog we have products that can constitute the basis for the development of an instrument or a test equipment.
All our products come with their own testing and measurement software in order to offer a system ready to use, but are also available libraries for its use in different development environments from C/C++, as MathLab or Labview.
Our motto is "Opus cum arte et studio" because expertise and enthusiasm are a good basis for a success product!

Latest update

2023 October   27: FPGA tutorial updated
2023 May       12: FPGA tutorial updated
2023 March     17: otStudio 2 updated
2023 February  28: Black Boxes index added
2023 January   31: otStudio 2 released!
2022 November   3: Added Sharkduino Nano
2022 July      14: Added difficulty indicator in projects ...
2022 April     14: otStudio library updated with new functions, also example program have new demos
2022 April      8: OTUS project has been updated
2022 March     25: Library for VL6180X TOF ranging module and example program
2022 February  24: Fascination of the NIXIEs tube
2022 January   26: ESPI OP and ESPI RL interface on ESPI bus added.
2022 January   25: ESPI bus added and Eurocard adapter update.
2021 December  24: Binaries update of otAstroEphem, EngineerAid and otEditorApp
2021 February  18: Spectrometer shield
2021 February  12: DC brushed motor shield
2021 January   15: Euro card (DIN41612) shield
2020 October   12: LED Calculator
2020 April      4: update of programming examples
2020 March     18: update of otStudio page
2020 March     14: SharkDuino+ informations updated
2020 March     11: Update of otStudio library help
2020 March      6: SharkDuino+ informations updated
2019 November  13: Added SMILE a PDF viewver
2019 October   16: FPGA Tutorial
2019 October    5: CUBE-3D FPGA development board
2019 July      30: CORE-CAM 2.0
2019 May       14: Publication of historic image gallery
2019 May        4: New page on A-COP analog coprocessor
2019 April     26: New page on P1 USB-DSP
2019 April     24: New page on COMBO-COM
2019 April     22: New page on DCDC-1
2019 April     20: Updates on CORE-CAM  and Video pages
2019 March      8: New page on CORE-CAM
2019 March      6: New page on CORE-X
2019 March      5: New page on Sestilio Plus
2019 January   27: New video loaded on botCAM an application of ARGO and CORE-K.
2019 January   10: List of some video has been added.
2018 June      22: New pages on old projects, sources and documents has been added.
2018 May       10: Update on xCAM page, new demos has been added.
2018 April      5:  Update on Hercules page, dealer costs are specified.
2018 February  23:  Update on pages: xCAM and CORE-2.
Free counters!
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(C) 2016-2024 Officina Turini, Tutti i diritti riservati
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