Astronomy Domine - Remote controls - OfficinaTurini

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The management and control software for AD-Drive
AD-Drive management and maintenance program.
Allows you to set up and fine-tune the controller.
It is possible to carry out positioning and tracking as well as test and characterize the controlled telescope.
Finally it allows you to update the firmware.
Programma di gestione e mantenimento di AD-Drive.
Permette di settare e mettere a punto il controller.
E' possibile realizzare posizionamenti e tracking oltre a testare e caratterizzare il telescopio controllato.
Infine permette di aggiornare il firmware.
Updated version: 2024.0.2 - 13 June 2024, as x64
The program does not require installation, it is sufficient to unpack the archive and run the executable.
It may be that your system does not have the necessary libraries, therefore below you will find Microsoft installations necessary for the relevant codes.
Tested on Win7/Win10 64 bit

Ad_Remote x64

System libraries you may need ....
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