An aid to electronic design - OfficinaTurini

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EA é un calcolatore e simulatore di circuiti elettronici (non soltanto).
Un valido aiuto alla progettazione elettronica.
Una sorta di calcolatrice da tavolo, un pó come quello offerto da moltissimi siti web, ma con i risultati in tempo reale e senza combattere in una selva di pubblicitá.
Ci sono argomenti complessi ed alcuni didattici ma tutti con un approccio molto facile.
Gli argomenti affrontati sono molti ma sicuramente pochi rispetto alla vastitá della materia, per questo motivo l'applicazione verrá aggiornata frequentemente.
Qui sotto si puó vedere un video che riporta una carrellata delle molte pagine dell'applicazione.
É probabile che se non ti funziona tu abbia bisogno delle librerie C++ di cui sotto trovi il link ....
Il programma é stato testato su Win 7 x86, Win 10 x64 e Win 11 x64.

Se questa applicazione é di tuo gradimento e vuoi contribuire al suo sviluppo e miglioramento puoi fare una donazione .... Grazie!
EA is an electronic circuit calculator and simulator (not only).
A valid aid to electronic design.
A sort of desktop calculator, a bit like the one offered by many websites, but with the results in real time and without fighting in a forest of advertisements.
There are complex topics and some didactic but all with a very easy approach.
The topics covered are many but certainly few compared to the vastness of the subject, for this reason the application will be updated frequently.
Below you can see a video that shows a roundup of the many pages of the application.
Chances are that if it doesn't work for you, you need the C ++ libraries listed below ....
The program has been tested on Win 7 x86, Win 10 x64 and Win 11 x64.

If this application is to your liking and you want to contribute to its development and improvement, you can make a donation .... Thanks!
Updated version: 2023.0.1 - 15 November 2023, as x86 and x64
The program does not require installation, it is sufficient to unpack the archive and run the executable.
It may be that your system does not have the necessary libraries, therefore below you will find two Microsoft installations necessary for the relevant codes.
Tested on Win7/Win10 32 and 64 bit

System libraries you may need ....

Revision History:
  • 0.0.1          2021/11/18 : First release
  • 0.0.2          2021/11/23 : Added: Weight Mass in Conversion, Polynomials and Numerical Bases in Math, Step Motor in Electronics Related, Minor bug resolved.
  • 0.0.3          2021/11/28 : Added management of technical documents, diagrams and books
  • 0.0.4          2021/12/24 : Minor graphics changes for large fonts, addition of some missing DLLs.
  • 2022.00.01 2022/01/03 : Minor bugs, new graphics layout.
  • 2022.00.02 2022/01/18 : Pressure conversion added.
  • 2022.00.03 2022/02/15 : Microstrip crosstalk calculator added. Minor bug.
  • 2022.00.04 2022/02/19 : Microstrip patch, Helix and Yagi antenna calculator. Minor bug.
  • 2022.00.05 2022/05/08 : Voltage multiplier, MECHANICS. Minor bug.
  • 2023.00.01 2023/11/16 : New compiled code with VS2015 and Qt 5.10.1
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(C) 2016-2024 Officina Turini, Tutti i diritti riservati
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