__attribute__ | |
_ADI_RSI_SD_CID_REGISTER | < Card Identification |
AstroData | |
avi_audio_t | |
avi_header_t | |
avi_index_t | |
avi_t | |
barData | |
Chain | |
command | |
Coord | |
errorStrings_s | < Structure used to convert an error code to a C string |
GFXfont | |
GFXglyph | |
gObject | |
GPSAltitude | |
GPSCourse | |
GPSCustom | |
GPSDate | |
GPSDecimal | |
GPSInteger | |
GPSLocation | |
GPSPlus | NMEA parsing library |
GPSSpeed | |
GPSTime | |
GuiCheckBox | |
GuiLabel | |
GuiObject | |
GuiPushButton | |
GuiSpinBox | |
Joint | |
listData | |
otAD5664 | Class that allows to use AD5664/24 DAC |
otAD8318 | Class logarithmic Detector/Controller |
otAD9833 | Library to control the AD9833 DDS waveform generator. The library allows the user to independently program frequency, phase, and waveform type for both registers. The AD9833 is a low power, programmable waveform generator capable of producing sine, triangular, and square wave outputs. Waveform generation is required in various types of sensing, actuation, and time domain reflectometry (TDR) applications. The output frequency and phase are software programmable, allowing easy tuning. No external components are needed. The frequency registers are 28 bits wide: with a 25 MHz clock rate, resolution of 0.1 Hz can be achieved; with a 1 MHz clock rate, the AD9833 can be tuned to 0.004 Hz resolution. The AD9833 is written to via a 3-wire serial interface. This serial interface operates at clock rates up to 40 MHz and is compatible with DSP and microcontroller standards. The device operates with a power supply from 2.3 V to 5.5 V. |
otADS1115 | Class that allows to use ADS1115 ADC |
otADS868x | Class that allows to use ADS8681/5/9 ADC |
otArduCAM | 5MP OV5642 Mini Camera Module |
otAstronomy | |
otBME280 | Driver class for Bosch BME280 sensor |
otBotEngine | Library for the control of two DC motors |
otBrushedMotorShield | Class to manage two dc motors with encoders and user opto-coupled inputs |
otCamera | Camera device driver |
otCommandParser | This library implements a command interpreter. Useful to manage a remote control or for a console function |
otConfigParser | |
otDAQ | Class for smart debug system |
otDigitalLens | Library to manage a motorized lens present on all sharkduino cameras |
otDisplay | Class for display a number as 7 segment or nixie like |
otDustSensor | Optical Dust Sensor |
otEKF | Extended Kalman Filter |
otFabrik2D | Library for fast forward and inverse kinematics solver based on the FABRIK algorithm |
otFFT | Fast Fourier Transform Library |
otFILE | Class for file and directory management on SD |
otFIR | Class for FIR digital filter |
otGraphics | Class to handle TFT display module on SPI interface |
otIconGrid | Graphic library that allows you to view a grid of icons To reduce the amount of memory used, the library requires access to the SD memory where the files representing the icons in EMB format are stored |
otIIR | Class for IIR digital filter |
otImage | Class for image store and processing |
otImageDetection | Class for recognizes things and objects in an image |
otImageFile | Class for image saving in different formats |
otImageSensor | Device driver for image sensors |
otInertial | Inertial Motion Library |
otL6470 | Class for L6470 integrated microstepping motor driver |
otLCD | LCD library |
otLepton | Class for FLIR Lepton radiometric long-wave infrared camera |
otLepton3 | Class for FLIR Lepton 3 radiometric long-wave infrared camera |
otMatrix | Matrix library |
otMatrix.Proxy | |
otMAX7219 | Driver class for MAX7219 8-Digit LED Display Drivers |
otMCP23008 | Device driver for 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface |
otMCP23017 | 16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface |
otMCP48FVBxx | Class that allows to use MCP48FVBxx DAC |
otMicrostepShield | Class to manage two step motors with microstep capability and with encoders and user opto-coupled inputs |
otMICS6814 | Class for MICS6814 triple gas sensor |
otMiniGUI | Implementation of a minimal graphics user interface |
otMiniPlayer | A Mini MP3 Player |
otMLX90614 | Infra Red Thermometer -40°C to +125°C for sensor temperature (Ta) and -70°C to +380°C for object temperature (To) Accuracy of 0.5°C in a wide temperature range (0°C to +50°C for both Ta and To) |
otMPU9250 | Library for the management of the IMU MPU9250 |
otMultimediaShield | Class to manage a driver for MP3 player, FM Radio, microphone sampler and player |
otNeuralFramework | Class for the support of neural network |
otOptoShield | Class to manage opto isolated shield with eight power outputs and eight inputs |
otPalette | Palette management class used for pseudo-coloring of monochrome images |
otPCA9505 | 40-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface |
otPCA9548 | Class that allows to use PCA9548 Low Voltage 8-Channel I2C Switch |
otPga | Class that allows to use MCP6S21/2/6/8 PGA |
otPID | PID control library |
otPlot | Class for data plot |
otPS2Controller | Library allows you to manage a PS2 controller |
otPWM | Class that stores state and functions for interacting with PCA9685 PWM chip |
otQMC5883 | Library for the management of the QMC5883 magnetometer |
otRadiationCount | Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger Type 5 library |
otRFCom | Wireless Serial Transceiver Module library |
otRotaryEncoder | Incremental rotary encoder library |
otScheduler | Class for create a process scheduler |
otScorpio | A six-legged insect robot driver |
otSerialThread | Management of a serial port protocol |
otSi4703 | FM radio receivers |
otSonar | Library for the control of ultrasonic ranging module HC-SR04 Important! Remember that the SONAR module cannot be connected directly to the electronics but requires a level shifter. SONAR outputs are at 5V while the electronics works at 3.3V |
otSpectrometerShield | Class to manage C12880 Hamamatsu spectrometer, with white LED, Blue Laser and two photodiode |
otStatistics | Library for signal analisys |
otString | Class for string management |
otStringList | Class for string list management |
otTextUI | User Interface based on formatted text |
otTFMini | TFMini library |
otTimeTrap | A process manager over time |
otTinn | Class for neural network |
otTTY | Class for terminal like emulator |
otUKF | Unscented Kalman Filter |
otUSB | Class to manage embedded USB channel |
otVL53L0X | Time-of-Flight ranging sensor |
otVL6180X | Time-of-Flight ranging sensor |
otVMC | Class for displays the memory content |
otWS2812 | Class that allows to use led panels based on the WS2812 |
otWYSIWYG | Class for create simple GUI |
otXmodem | Class for Xmodem protocol |
otXPT2046 | Class that allows to use XPT2046 touch screen controller |
Pixel | |
RawDegrees | |
rect | < Image area definition |
sensor_reg | |
SequenceStepEnables | |
SequenceStepTimeouts | |
SpiConfig | |
stream_format_a_t | |
stream_format_v_t | |
stream_header_t | |
TaskType | |
Time | |
TimeMeasure | |
TUI_Panel | |
TUI_Variable | |
TUI_Variant | |
varData | |
wysiwygData |