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BF51x/otSerial.h File Reference

Serial Library for BF51x. More...

#include "otdefs.h"


enum  UartId { UART0, UART1, UART2, UART3 }


void UartEnableSignals (int uart)
 Enable uart signals Set the related port to enable and expose uart signals (txd, rxd).
void UartSetBaud (int uart, int baudRate)
 Init serial port "uart" with specified baudRate. As default serial port is used as standard input/output.
printf and _scanf allow the access to this i/o channel.
Serial defaults are: 8 bit, no parity, one stop bit.
void UartPutChar (int uart, unsigned char c)
 Send a character on specified serial port.
void UartPutBytes (int uart, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int size)
 Send a buffer of bytes on serial port.
void UartPutString (int uart, const char *s)
 Send a C string on serial port.
unsigned char UartGetChar (int uart)
 Wait a character from serial port.
unsigned char UartChar (int uart)
 Read uart data register Read the uart data register without any controls.
bool UartCheckChar (int uart)
 Check if a character is available from serial port.
void UartReceiveService (int uart, int baudRate, void(*pCallback)())
 Set interrupt handler for specific uart. Specify a C procedure used to handle a protocol on received characters from the serial port.

Detailed Description

Manuele Turini
otStudio - Library Reference - (C) 2020-23 Officina Turini, All Rights Reserved
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