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Basic commands for console operation


file  otLegacyCommand.h
 Basic commands for console operation.


 Version History


void otLegacyCommandsInit (otCommandParser *cp, otSerialThread *st, otFILE *file=0)
void otLegacyDisplayPrompt ()

Detailed Description

Command Parser - This library implements a command interpreter.
Serial Handler - Management of a serial port protocol
Printf - Print formatted data to stdout
TIMER - Procedure for timer usage
RTC - Real Time Clock Library
String library
Malloc - Memory management
I2C - System Management Bus

Function Documentation

void otLegacyCommandsInit otCommandParser cp,
otSerialThread st,
otFILE file = 0

This library defines several commands used as basic console and remote control commands.
The commands are divided into four classes:

 * CORE: Series of commands related to the DSP.
 * 	- CORE.DATE,	DATE,	year month day ; Set/Show system date. Without params show current date
 *	- CORE.FREE,	FREE,	Show available memory.
 *	- CORE.I2C,		I2C,	Set I2C bus clock as khz,ton.
 *	- CORE.I2CR,	I2CR,	Read a byte from I2C bus at specified address,subAddress.
 *	- CORE.I2CW,	I2CW,	Write a byte to I2C bus at specified address,subAddress.
 *	- CORE.ID,		ID,		Show CORE identifier.
 *	- CORE.RES,		RES,	System reset (Only DSP).
 *	- CORE.STACK,	STK,	Display stack pointer register.
 *	- CORE.STACKU,	STKU,	Display stack pointer usage.
 *	- CORE.TIME,	TIME,	Set/Show system time. Without params show current time.
 *	- CORE.WATCHDOG,WD,		Enable/Disable watch dog. Default is 1s different value can be specified as mS.
 * SD: Secure Digital related commands.
 *	- SD.CHDIR,		CD,		Change current working directory.
 *	- SD.COPY,		CP,		File copy.
 *	- SD.DEL,		RM,		Remove all selected file(s). Wild char * is accepted.
 *	- SD.FORMAT,	FMT,	Format (FAT32) present SD. Default ALU is 0 = automatic.
 *	- SD.LABEL,		LBL,	Set the SD volume name.
 *	- SD.LIST,		LS,		List current or selected directory. Wild char * is accepted.
 *	- SD.MKDIR,		MD,		Create a directory.
 *	- SD.MOUNT,		MNT,	Mount or un mount SD logical drive.
 *	- SD.RENAME,	RN,		Rename a file.
 *	- SD.TYPE,		TYPE,	Display an ascii file contents.
 * SH: Shell related commands.
 *	- SH.CHAR,		CHAR,	Wait a character to be pressed.
 *	- SH.ECHO,		ECHO,	Enable/Disable ECHO.
 *	- SH.IF,		IF,		Exec the statement if the condition on retcode is true.
 *	- SH.REMARK,	REM,	Used in batch file as comment ...
 *	- SH.WHILE,		WHILE,	Exec the statement until the condition of retcode is true.
 * SYS: System related commands.
 *	- SYS.HELP,		HELP,	Show command help. For each command you can type: COMMAND ? Or HELP CLASS, HELP *
 *	- SYS.SLEEP,	SLEEP,	Execute a delay of specified milliseconds.
cp otCommandParser library pointer
st otSerialThread library pointer
file otFILE library pointer

void otLegacyDisplayPrompt  ) 

Display a prompt to be used for console applications.


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