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GX - Graphics Library




Detailed Description

Please refer to the following image to understand graphic coordinates:

Define Documentation

#define ________   0x00

From a graphics to number ...

#define _______X   0x01

#define ______X_   0x02

#define ______XX   0x03

#define _____X__   0x04

#define _____X_X   0x05

#define _____XX_   0x06

#define _____XXX   0x07

#define ____X___   0x08

#define ____X__X   0x09

#define ____X_X_   0x0a

#define ____X_XX   0x0b

#define ____XX__   0x0c

#define ____XX_X   0x0d

#define ____XXX_   0x0e

#define ____XXXX   0x0f

#define ___X____   0x10

#define ___X___X   0x11

#define ___X__X_   0x12

#define ___X__XX   0x13

#define ___X_X__   0x14

#define ___X_X_X   0x15

#define ___X_XX_   0x16

#define ___X_XXX   0x17

#define ___XX___   0x18

#define ___XX__X   0x19

#define ___XX_X_   0x1a

#define ___XX_XX   0x1b

#define ___XXX__   0x1c

#define ___XXX_X   0x1d

#define ___XXXX_   0x1e

#define ___XXXXX   0x1f

#define __X_____   0x20

#define __X____X   0x21

#define __X___X_   0x22

#define __X___XX   0x23

#define __X__X__   0x24

#define __X__X_X   0x25

#define __X__XX_   0x26

#define __X__XXX   0x27

#define __X_X___   0x28

#define __X_X__X   0x29

#define __X_X_X_   0x2a

#define __X_X_XX   0x2b

#define __X_XX__   0x2c

#define __X_XX_X   0x2d

#define __X_XXX_   0x2e

#define __X_XXXX   0x2f

#define __XX____   0x30

#define __XX___X   0x31

#define __XX__X_   0x32

#define __XX__XX   0x33

#define __XX_X__   0x34

#define __XX_X_X   0x35

#define __XX_XX_   0x36

#define __XX_XXX   0x37

#define __XXX___   0x38

#define __XXX__X   0x39

#define __XXX_X_   0x3a

#define __XXX_XX   0x3b

#define __XXXX__   0x3c

#define __XXXX_X   0x3d

#define __XXXXX_   0x3e

#define __XXXXXX   0x3f

#define _X______   0x40

#define _X_____X   0x41

#define _X____X_   0x42

#define _X____XX   0x43

#define _X___X__   0x44

#define _X___X_X   0x45

#define _X___XX_   0x46

#define _X___XXX   0x47

#define _X__X___   0x48

#define _X__X__X   0x49

#define _X__X_X_   0x4a

#define _X__X_XX   0x4b

#define _X__XX__   0x4c

#define _X__XX_X   0x4d

#define _X__XXX_   0x4e

#define _X__XXXX   0x4f

#define _X_X____   0x50

#define _X_X___X   0x51

#define _X_X__X_   0x52

#define _X_X__XX   0x53

#define _X_X_X__   0x54

#define _X_X_X_X   0x55

#define _X_X_XX_   0x56

#define _X_X_XXX   0x57

#define _X_XX___   0x58

#define _X_XX__X   0x59

#define _X_XX_X_   0x5a

#define _X_XX_XX   0x5b

#define _X_XXX__   0x5c

#define _X_XXX_X   0x5d

#define _X_XXXX_   0x5e

#define _X_XXXXX   0x5f

#define _XX_____   0x60

#define _XX____X   0x61

#define _XX___X_   0x62

#define _XX___XX   0x63

#define _XX__X__   0x64

#define _XX__X_X   0x65

#define _XX__XX_   0x66

#define _XX__XXX   0x67

#define _XX_X___   0x68

#define _XX_X__X   0x69

#define _XX_X_X_   0x6a

#define _XX_X_XX   0x6b

#define _XX_XX__   0x6c

#define _XX_XX_X   0x6d

#define _XX_XXX_   0x6e

#define _XX_XXXX   0x6f

#define _XXX____   0x70

#define _XXX___X   0x71

#define _XXX__X_   0x72

#define _XXX__XX   0x73

#define _XXX_X__   0x74

#define _XXX_X_X   0x75

#define _XXX_XX_   0x76

#define _XXX_XXX   0x77

#define _XXXX___   0x78

#define _XXXX__X   0x79

#define _XXXX_X_   0x7a

#define _XXXX_XX   0x7b

#define _XXXXX__   0x7c

#define _XXXXX_X   0x7d

#define _XXXXXX_   0x7e

#define _XXXXXXX   0x7f

#define HORIZ_DIRECTION   0x00


#define MAPPED_X x,
 )     (319 - (x))

#define MAPPED_Y x,
 )     (239 - (y))


Display height.

#define QVGA_DISPLAY_WIDTH   320

Display width.

#define SSD2119_ENTRY_MODE_DEFAULT   0x6830

#define SSD2119_ENTRY_MODE_SET  )     ((SSD2119_ENTRY_MODE_DEFAULT & 0xFF00) | (x))

#define VERT_DIRECTION   0x08

#define X_______   0x80

#define X______X   0x81

#define X_____X_   0x82

#define X_____XX   0x83

#define X____X__   0x84

#define X____X_X   0x85

#define X____XX_   0x86

#define X____XXX   0x87

#define X___X___   0x88

#define X___X__X   0x89

#define X___X_X_   0x8a

#define X___X_XX   0x8b

#define X___XX__   0x8c

#define X___XX_X   0x8d

#define X___XXX_   0x8e

#define X___XXXX   0x8f

#define X__X____   0x90

#define X__X___X   0x91

#define X__X__X_   0x92

#define X__X__XX   0x93

#define X__X_X__   0x94

#define X__X_X_X   0x95

#define X__X_XX_   0x96

#define X__X_XXX   0x97

#define X__XX___   0x98

#define X__XX__X   0x99

#define X__XX_X_   0x9a

#define X__XX_XX   0x9b

#define X__XXX__   0x9c

#define X__XXX_X   0x9d

#define X__XXXX_   0x9e

#define X__XXXXX   0x9f

#define X_X_____   0xa0

#define X_X____X   0xa1

#define X_X___X_   0xa2

#define X_X___XX   0xa3

#define X_X__X__   0xa4

#define X_X__X_X   0xa5

#define X_X__XX_   0xa6

#define X_X__XXX   0xa7

#define X_X_X___   0xa8

#define X_X_X__X   0xa9

#define X_X_X_X_   0xaa

#define X_X_X_XX   0xab

#define X_X_XX__   0xac

#define X_X_XX_X   0xad

#define X_X_XXX_   0xae

#define X_X_XXXX   0xaf

#define X_XX____   0xb0

#define X_XX___X   0xb1

#define X_XX__X_   0xb2

#define X_XX__XX   0xb3

#define X_XX_X__   0xb4

#define X_XX_X_X   0xb5

#define X_XX_XX_   0xb6

#define X_XX_XXX   0xb7

#define X_XXX___   0xb8

#define X_XXX__X   0xb9

#define X_XXX_X_   0xba

#define X_XXX_XX   0xbb

#define X_XXXX__   0xbc

#define X_XXXX_X   0xbd

#define X_XXXXX_   0xbe

#define X_XXXXXX   0xbf

#define XX______   0xc0

#define XX_____X   0xc1

#define XX____X_   0xc2

#define XX____XX   0xc3

#define XX___X__   0xc4

#define XX___X_X   0xc5

#define XX___XX_   0xc6

#define XX___XXX   0xc7

#define XX__X___   0xc8

#define XX__X__X   0xc9

#define XX__X_X_   0xca

#define XX__X_XX   0xcb

#define XX__XX__   0xcc

#define XX__XX_X   0xcd

#define XX__XXX_   0xce

#define XX__XXXX   0xcf

#define XX_X____   0xd0

#define XX_X___X   0xd1

#define XX_X__X_   0xd2

#define XX_X__XX   0xd3

#define XX_X_X__   0xd4

#define XX_X_X_X   0xd5

#define XX_X_XX_   0xd6

#define XX_X_XXX   0xd7

#define XX_XX___   0xd8

#define XX_XX__X   0xd9

#define XX_XX_X_   0xda

#define XX_XX_XX   0xdb

#define XX_XXX__   0xdc

#define XX_XXX_X   0xdd

#define XX_XXXX_   0xde

#define XX_XXXXX   0xdf

#define XXX_____   0xe0

#define XXX____X   0xe1

#define XXX___X_   0xe2

#define XXX___XX   0xe3

#define XXX__X__   0xe4

#define XXX__X_X   0xe5

#define XXX__XX_   0xe6

#define XXX__XXX   0xe7

#define XXX_X___   0xe8

#define XXX_X__X   0xe9

#define XXX_X_X_   0xea

#define XXX_X_XX   0xeb

#define XXX_XX__   0xec

#define XXX_XX_X   0xed

#define XXX_XXX_   0xee

#define XXX_XXXX   0xef

#define XXXX____   0xf0

#define XXXX___X   0xf1

#define XXXX__X_   0xf2

#define XXXX__XX   0xf3

#define XXXX_X__   0xf4

#define XXXX_X_X   0xf5

#define XXXX_XX_   0xf6

#define XXXX_XXX   0xf7

#define XXXXX___   0xf8

#define XXXXX__X   0xf9

#define XXXXX_X_   0xfa

#define XXXXX_XX   0xfb

#define XXXXXX__   0xfc

#define XXXXXX_X   0xfd

#define XXXXXXX_   0xfe

#define XXXXXXXX   0xff

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned short gCOL

Color data type.

typedef unsigned short gInt

Graphics integer data type.

Function Documentation

void gxCircle gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  r,
gCOL  color

Draw a circle at specified coordinates.

x0 Horizontal coordinates of the center of circle.
y0 Vertical coordinates of the center of circle.
r Ray of circle.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxCircleDashed gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  r,
gInt  modulo,
gCOL  color

Draw a dashed circle at specified coordinates.

x0 Horizontal coordinates of the center of circle.
y0 Vertical coordinates of the center of circle.
r Ray of circle.
modulo Number of pixel for dashed circle.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxClear gCOL  color  ) 

Clear the display with specified color.

color Clear color see: QVGA Color Definitions

gxFontColorSize gCOL  foreground,
gCOL  background,
gInt  xs,
gInt  ys

Set font size and color.

foreground Foreground color see: QVGA Color Definitions
background Background color see: QVGA Color Definitions
xs Horizontal multiplier for standard font (7x5).
ys Vertical multiplier for standard font (7x5).
See also:
gxPutChar, gxPutString

void gxLine gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  x1,
gInt  y1,
gCOL  color

Draw a line at specified coordinates.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
x1 Bottom-Right horizontal coordinates.
y1 Bottom-Right vertical coordinates.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxLineDashed gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  x1,
gInt  y1,
gInt  modulo,
gCOL  color

Draw a dashed line at specified coordinates.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
x1 Bottom-Right horizontal coordinates.
y1 Bottom-Right vertical coordinates.
modulo Number of pixel for dashed line.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxMovePen gInt  x,
gInt  y

Move graphics pen.

x Horizontal coordinates.
y Vertical coordinates.

void gxPicture gInt  sX,
gInt  sY,
gInt  sizeX,
gInt  sizeY,
gCOL bitMap

Draw a picture on the screen.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
sizeX Width of the picture.
sizeY Height of the picture.
bitMap Picture data.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxPutChar gInt  x,
gInt  y,
unsigned char  ch

Draw a character at the specified coordinates.

x Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y Top-Left vertical coordinates.
ch Character.
See also:

void gxPutString gInt  x,
gInt  y,
const char *  pStr

Draw a C string at the specified coordinates.

x Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y Top-Left vertical coordinates.
pStr C string.
See also:
gxFontColorSize, gxStringSize
        gxFontColorSize(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK, 1, 1);
        gxPutString(5, 10, "Hello world!");

void gxRect gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  x1,
gInt  y1,
gCOL  color

Draw a rectangle at specified coordinates. See:.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
x1 Bottom-Right horizontal coordinates.
y1 Bottom-Right vertical coordinates.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxRectDashed gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  x1,
gInt  y1,
gInt  modulo,
gCOL  color

Draw a dashed rectangle at specified coordinates.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
x1 Bottom-Right horizontal coordinates.
y1 Bottom-Right vertical coordinates.
modulo Number of pixel for dashed line.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxRectFilled gInt  x0,
gInt  y0,
gInt  x1,
gInt  y1,
gCOL  color

Draw a filled rectangle at specified coordinates.

x0 Top-Left horizontal coordinates.
y0 Top-Left vertical coordinates.
x1 Bottom-Right horizontal coordinates.
y1 Bottom-Right vertical coordinates.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxSetPixel gInt  x,
gInt  y,
gCOL  color

Set a pixel at specified coordinates.

x Horizontal coordinates.
y Vertical coordinates.
color Pixel color see: QVGA Color Definitions

void gxStringSize const char *  txt,
int *  xsize,
int *  ysize

Calculate the string dimension in pixel.

txt C string.
xsize Return the width of the string in pixel.
ysize Return the height of the string in pixel.
See also:
gxFontColorSize, gxPutString

Generated on Tue Apr 7 20:07:45 2015 for BF592A Library by doxygen 1.3.1