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otEEprom.h File Reference

EEprom Library.
Tested on 25LC1024 and compatibles. More...

#include "otdefs.h"
#include "otSpi.h"


U8 EEreadStatus ()
 Read the eeprom status.
void EEwriteStatus (U8 stat)
 Write the staus register.
void EEwriteEnable (bool ena)
 Set the write enable latch (enable write operations).
U8 EEread (U32 *add)
 Read a byte at the specified address.
U16 EEreadWord (U32 *add)
 Read a word at the specified address.
U32 EEreadLong (U32 *add)
 Read a double word at the specified address.
double EEreadDouble (U32 *add)
 Read a double at the specified address.
void EEreadString (U32 *add, char *text, U32 maxChars)
 Read a string starting at the specified address.
void EEwrite (U32 *add, U8 data)
 Write a byte at the specified address.
void EEwriteWord (U32 *add, U16 data)
 Write a word at the specified address.
void EEwriteLong (U32 *add, U32 data)
 Write a double word at the specified address.
void EEwriteDouble (U32 *add, double data)
 Write a double at the specified address.
void EEwriteString (U32 *add, const char *text, U32 maxChars)
 Write a string at the specified address.
S8 EEreadCheck (U32 *add, S8 lowValue, S8 highValue, S8 defaultValue)
 Read a byte and check it.
S16 EEreadWordCheck (U32 *add, S16 lowValue, S16 highValue, S16 defaultValue)
 Read a word and check it.
S32 EEreadLongCheck (U32 *add, S32 lowValue, S32 highValue, S32 defaultValue)
 Read a double word and check it.
F64 EEreadDoubleCheck (U32 *add, F64 lowValue, F64 highValue, F64 defaultValue)
 Read a double and check it.

Detailed Description

Manuele Turini
otStudio - Library Reference - (C) 2020-23 Officina Turini, All Rights Reserved
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