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Unscented Kalman Filter


file  otUKF.h
 Class for Discrete Unscented Kalman Filter.


 Version History

Data Structures

class  otUKF
 Unscented Kalman Filter. More...
class  otUKF
 Unscented Kalman Filter. More...

Detailed Description

Ref: Van der. Merwe, .. (2004). Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Probabilistic Inference in Dynamic
State-Space Models (Ph.D. thesis). Oregon Health & Science University.

    The system to be estimated is defined as a discrete nonlinear dynamic dystem:
                 x(k) = f[x(k-1), u(k-1)] + v(k)     ; x = Nx1,    u = Mx1
                 y(k) = h[x(k)] + n(k)               ; y = Zx1
            x(k) : State Variable at time-k                          : Nx1
            y(k) : Measured output at time-k                         : Zx1
            u(k) : System input at time-k                            : Mx1
            v(k) : Process noise, AWGN assumed, w/ covariance Qn     : Nx1
            n(k) : Measurement noise, AWGN assumed, w/ covariance Rn : Nx1
            f(..), h(..) is a nonlinear transformation of the system to be estimated.
        Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm:
                P (k=0|k=0) = Identitas * covariant(P(k=0)), typically initialized with some big number.
                x(k=0|k=0)  = Expected value of x at time-0 (i.e. x(k=0)), typically set to zero.
                Rv, Rn      = Covariance matrices of process & measurement. As this implementation 
                                the noise as AWGN (and same value for every variable), this is set
                                to Rv=diag(RvInit,...,RvInit) and Rn=diag(RnInit,...,RnInit).
                Wc, Wm      = First order & second order weight, respectively.
                alpha, beta, kappa, gamma = scalar constants.
                lambda = (alpha^2)*(N+kappa)-N,         gamma = sqrt(N+alpha)           ...{UKF_1}
                Wm = [lambda/(N+lambda)         1/(2(N+lambda)) ... 1/(2(N+lambda))]    ...{UKF_2}
                Wc = [Wm(0)+(1-alpha(^2)+beta)  1/(2(N+lambda)) ... 1/(2(N+lambda))]    ...{UKF_3}
            UKF Calculation (every sampling time):
                Calculate the Sigma Point:
                    Xs(k-1) = [x(k-1) ... x(k-1)]            ; Xs(k-1) = NxN
                    GPsq = gamma * sqrt(P(k-1))
                    XSigma(k-1) = [x(k-1) Xs(k-1)+GPsq Xs(k-1)-GPsq]                    ...{UKF_4}
                Unscented Transform XSigma [f,XSigma,u,Rv] -> [x,XSigma,P,DX]:
                    XSigma(k) = f(XSigma(k-1), u(k-1))                                  ...{UKF_5a}
                    x(k|k-1) = sum(Wm(i) * XSigma(k)(i))    ; i = 1 ... (2N+1)          ...{UKF_6a}
                    DX = XSigma(k)(i) - Xs(k)   ; Xs(k) = [x(k|k-1) ... x(k|k-1)]
                                                ; Xs(k) = Nx(2N+1)                      ...{UKF_7a}
                    P(k|k-1) = sum(Wc(i)*DX*DX') + Rv       ; i = 1 ... (2N+1)          ...{UKF_8a}
                Unscented Transform YSigma [h,XSigma,u,Rn] -> [y_est,YSigma,Py,DY]:
                    YSigma(k) = h(XSigma(k), u(k|k-1))      ; u(k|k-1) = u(k)           ...{UKF_5b}
                    y_est(k) = sum(Wm(i) * YSigma(k)(i))    ; i = 1 ... (2N+1)          ...{UKF_6b}
                    DY = YSigma(k)(i) - Ys(k)   ; Ys(k) = [y_est(k) ... y_est(k)]
                                                ; Ys(k) = Zx(2N+1)                      ...{UKF_7b}
                    Py(k) = sum(Wc(i)*DY*DY') + Rn          ; i = 1 ... (2N+1)          ...{UKF_8b}
                Calculate Cross-Covariance otMatrix:
                    Pxy(k) = sum(Wc(i)*DX*DY(i))            ; i = 1 ... (2N+1)          ...{UKF_9}
                Calculate the Kalman Gain:
                    K           = Pxy(k) * (Py(k)^-1)                                   ...{UKF_10}
                Update the Estimated State Variable:
                    x(k|k)      = x(k|k-1) + K * (y(k) - y_est(k))                      ...{UKF_11}
                Update the Covariance otMatrix:
                    P(k|k)      = P(k|k-1) - K*Py(k)*K'                                 ...{UKF_12}
          *Additional Information:
                - Dengan asumsi masukan plant ZOH, u(k) = u(k|k-1),
                    Dengan asumsi tambahan observer dijalankan sebelum pengendali, u(k|k-1) = u(k-1),
                    sehingga u(k) [untuk perhitungan kalman] adalah nilai u(k-1) [dari pengendali].
                - Notasi yang benar adalah u(k|k-1), tapi disini menggunakan notasi u(k) untuk
                    menyederhanakan penulisan rumus.
                - Pada contoh di atas X~(k=0|k=0) = [0]. Untuk mempercepat konvergensi bisa digunakan
                    informasi plant-spesific. Misal pada implementasi Kalman Filter untuk sensor
                    IMU (Inertial measurement unit) dengan X = [quaternion], dengan asumsi IMU
                    awalnya menghadap ke atas tanpa rotasi, X~(k=0|k=0) = [1, 0, 0, 0]'
Original code:

Math Library
Malloc - Memory management
Matrix library
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