//#DOC Main, program entry and main loop
#include "main.h"

// Uncomment this define to test fast sampling
#define FAST_ACQ

#ifdef FAST_ACQ
    // Embedded memory is very fast but with very small size!
    #define SAMPLES     1024
    S16     buff[SAMPLES];
    // Heap is very large but not fast!
    #define SAMPLES     100000
    S16     * buff;

otADS868x       adc;
otUSB           usb;        // Declare USB library
otDAQ           daq;        // Debug

void setup()
    // Init connection with the console via UART0
    UartSetBaud(UART0, 115200);
    // Init stout used by printf
    setStdout(4096, UART0);   // printf output is now directed on UART0
    // Init the timer for time measure
    TimerEnable(TIMER0, true);
    // Set ADC range
    // Init USB channel, the command list can accept 64 different commands
    // Debug system
#ifndef FAST_ACQ
    buff = (S16 *) _malloc(sizeof(S16) * SAMPLES);
    // Create a dialog on the desktop, the program stops until the open window is closed
    // Prepare the plot area with the respective axis names
    daq.plotOpen("DIGITAL SCOPE", "SAMPLES", "mV");
    // Creates a curve to be displayed in the plot area, a maximum of sixteen are possible ...
    daq.plotCurve(0, "CH:0");

void loop()
    // Read the ADC
    adc.read(buff, SAMPLES);
    // Handle for some local commands
        U8  ch = UartChar(UART0);
            case ' ':
    // Convert to mV sampled data
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++)
        buff[i] = adc.toVolt(buff[i]) * 1000.0f;
    // Update plot with sampled data
    daq.plotUpdate(0, SAMPLES, buff);
    // Handle for USB commands